These are the BEST and the WORST of High Tech Beauty Tools

There are so many gadgets on the market and some have a lot of positive reviews. I wanted to see for myself what works and what doesn't. We will look at ipl devices (Kenzzi), the Ziip Halo, and the Laduora Duo Scalp Device, to name a few. Are these devices worth it? Check out some before and after photos to see if hair removal from home is possible, as well as which anti aging devices are actual must haves!
1. ULIKE Device: Link: Code:GABI Get $80 off in your Ulike Air 3 hair removal devices!
2. Kenzzi IPL Hair Removal Device
3. ZIIP | ZIIP HALO Nanocurrent Device **Use my code GABIZIIP for 10% off
4. Laduora Duo 4-in-1 pod based scalp and haircare device
See the video here: