MATURE MAKEUP TAKEOVER! | Self Care after Loss

Welcome to the first episode of the MATURE MAKEUP TAKEOVER series where I go into one of my subscriber's homes, review what they are using, and take them shopping for better skin/makeup products.
In episode I: - Go over the best foundation for mature dry skin
- Show some of the best makeup for mature skin with wrinkles
- Talk about makeup for women over 50 and makeup for women over 60 This series is all about looking and feeling AMAZING in your own skin.
Thank you to Ana Lucia Beltran Diamonds for hosting this GIVEAWAY! Website Link. With my code GLAMGIRL20, you will receive 20% off of any piece that you like! This makes an amazing Valentine's Day gift 💝 The winner will get $1000.00 worth of Diamond Jewellery that they can choose themselves from the website. To enter you must:
1. Tell me what look you want to see me create on Linda.
2. Tell me what piece of jewellery is your favourite from the website.
3. Let me know if this will be a gift or if it will be a self-love accessory. The winner will be announced on February 14 2024 in the community board and on my instagram feed.
See the Episode 1 here:
Shop the products featured here:
Episode 2:
In today's episode I:
- Go over the best foundation for mature dry skin
- Show some of the best makeup for mature skin with wrinkles
- Take you through a step by step makeover showing Linda how to use each product
- Focus on makeup application for women over 40, over 50 and over 60!
This series is all about looking and feeling AMAZING in your own skin. Let's decorate ourselves without the toxicity of feeling like we need to look younger. Makeup after 60 has never felt so good!
See Episode 2 here:
Shop the products featured here: